Marketplace Development Services We Offer

How to build a marketplace that will attract a solvent audience? The answer is to choose the right online marketplace type for the right client:

B2B marketplace development

B2B marketplaces are used to sell products to businesses that then resell the products to the end clients. Your online marketplace development partner should have the e-commerce background to build features that allow for quick data exchange between businesses, task automation, and easy catalog and payment management.

B2C marketplace development

B2C marketplaces are those where businesses sell products to end clients directly via the platform. A B2C marketplace site should be intuitive for businesses and have a clear interface with dashboards and management features. B2C marketplaces should include convenient communication tools that will contribute to higher conversion.

C2C marketplace development

С2C marketplaces connect clients with other clients. C2C marketplace app development will allow you to gain profit from the flexibility and convenience that you offer to the end users. With our help, you will build an SEO-friendly solution that will generate traffic and earn good customer engagement.

NFT marketplace development

Using a marketplace app, NFT traders can exchange, sell, and purchase non-fungible tokens. If you decide to dive into NFT marketplace development, our engineers will help you build a responsive and integrated solution.

Mobile marketplace development

Before building a marketplace, we will research your target audience and decide upon the necessity of mobile development. Our team can build a mobile marketplace application or optimize your marketplace portal to mobile user needs.

Multivendor marketplace development

Using such a platform, businesses can consider offers by different vendors and choose the best one. The owners of multivendor marketplaces can profit from ads, extra features, or the fees that businesses pay to expose themselves to the marketplace.

B2B marketplace development

B2B marketplaces are used to sell products to businesses that then resell the products to the end clients. Your online marketplace development partner should have the e-commerce background to build features that allow for quick data exchange between businesses, task automation, and easy catalog and payment management.

B2C marketplace development

B2C marketplaces are those where businesses sell products to end clients directly via the platform. A B2C marketplace site should be intuitive for businesses and have a clear interface with dashboards and management features. B2C marketplaces should include convenient communication tools that will contribute to higher conversion.

C2C marketplace development

С2C marketplaces connect clients with other clients. C2C marketplace app development will allow you to gain profit from the flexibility and convenience that you offer to the end users. With our help, you will build an SEO-friendly solution that will generate traffic and earn good customer engagement.

NFT marketplace development

Using a marketplace app, NFT traders can exchange, sell, and purchase non-fungible tokens. If you decide to dive into NFT marketplace development, our engineers will help you build a responsive and integrated solution.

Mobile marketplace development

Before building a marketplace, we will research your target audience and decide upon the necessity of mobile development. Our team can build a mobile marketplace application or optimize your marketplace portal to mobile user needs.

Multivendor marketplace development

Using such a platform, businesses can consider offers by different vendors and choose the best one. The owners of multivendor marketplaces can profit from ads, extra features, or the fees that businesses pay to expose themselves to the marketplace.

Thinking of launching your own online marketplace?

What You Can Achieve with Marketplace Development

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Access to best domain practices

We are aware of the peculiarities and challenges of this market and can help you create the best marketplace solution that will solve the client’s pains.

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Readiness to scale

The marketplace product we’ll build will be ready for scaling and growing traffic and will be well-protected against vulnerabilities.


Broader growth opportunities

Creating a marketplace with our help will open new revenue opportunities for your business. We will share our practices to help you quickly enter the market.

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Early delivery

In marketplace website development, we follow the Agile approach. It enables our team to deliver results continuously, starting from the early project stages.

How We Approach Creating a Marketplace

1. Product discovery

Our team will collect data on your future product, target market, competition, target audience, and possible risks. We’ll help you choose the right type of marketplace (B2B, B2C, C2C, etc.) and user acquisition techniques and conduct a SWOT analysis to develop a solid product creation strategy.

2. Planning and design

Our task is to build a marketplace that will provide users with the value the competitors are unable to give. For this, we will use the data from the previous step to plan out the project (time frame, budget, team composition, technology stack, etc.). Together, we’ll decide upon the marketplace features, validate the prototype, and move to the UI/UX design.

3. Marketplace development

In the marketplace development process, we will follow the latest industry standards and study the needs of your target audience. Our team of software engineers and business analysts will do their best to ensure that your custom marketplace differentiates from competitors.

4. Quality assurance

Marketplaces are supposed to handle big traffic of businesses and customers. Whenever the solution goes down, the marketplace loses profit. Forbytes team of marketplace developers will test and optimize your solution before it goes live to help you prevent such situations. Each piece of code will be tested to ensure maximum performance and effectiveness.

5. Launch and support

Building a marketplace website is halfway to establishing oneself in the market. Another part of the work is to ensure stable performance and maintain the software. Forbytes’ dedicated team will take responsibility for the marketplace deployment. We will offer support for the product and add new features per your request.

Portfolio Highlights

Composable commerce

Composable Commerce

Migrating from inflexible legacy systems to a composable commerce architecture for enhanced flexibility and scalability.

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Customized Magento store

Offering technical support and software enhancement services for one of the world’s largest e-commerce companies.

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E-commerce Performance Optimization

Boosting e-commerce sales by improving customer experience, optimizing the website, and building a custom automation tool.

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Our Featured Partnerships

What Our Clients Say

Extend your team with Forbytes’ developers to create a perfect technology solution of any complexity!

Valentin Berg CTO at GardenStore

The Forbytes team was very professional and demonstrated a great understanding of the business aspects. All tasks were completed above expectations. Their experts were always available, and we never needed to wait for a response or a suggested solution.

Valentin Berg

CTO, GardenStore

Niklas Hammar COO & Business Development at

Forbytes has a strong process-oriented way of leading the company, with good respect for themselves and their managers. They made a choice not to become too big but build slowly on more qualified people, which is paying off.

Niklas Hammar

COO & Business
Development at

Nazar Lytvynenko Group Manager in Guesty

Forbytes’ engineers and team leads worked as part of our RnD group and were directly managed by our company directors. They were both proactive and adaptable, qualities that perfectly match our needs in our fast-growing and constantly evolving environment.

Nazar Lytvynenko

Group Manager, Guesty

Thomas Andersson Ecommerce Manager & CTO Trademax

The Forbytes team has been loyal and dedicated in their partnership. The team provides management as needed but allows flexibility for direct work with developers.

Thomas Andersson

E-commerce Manager & CTO, Trademax

Julia Noack eCommerce Manager Motorsweden & Swebike

Forbytes has established strong project management. Their entire team is knowledgeable about appropriate processes and project expectations.

Julia Noack

E-commerce Manager Motorsweden & Swebike