Our UI/UX Design Services

Explore our range of UI/UX services designed to deliver exceptional user experiences and drive business success.

UI/UX design for web and mobile

Whether you’re building a new website or a mobile app, our UI/UX design services ensure a seamless and engaging experience across all platforms. We focus on user-centric design principles to enhance usability and satisfaction.

Digital product design

We specialize in crafting compelling digital products from the ground up. Our approach integrates both UI and UX design elements to create innovative solutions that are not only visually striking but also highly functional.

UI/UX redesign services

Looking to refresh your existing application? Our redesign services evaluate and enhance your UI/UX to align with current trends and user expectations, breathing new life into your digital assets.

Interaction design

We create interactive experiences that captivate and engage users. Our designs focus on making every interaction delightful and intuitive, helping to increase user engagement and satisfaction.

Prototyping and wireframing

Early in the design process, our prototyping and wireframing services help visualize the user experience, enabling early feedback and iterative improvements. This approach ensures a polished final product that truly meets user needs.

UI/UX design consulting services

If you’re not sure where to start or what you need, our consulting services can help guide your UI/UX strategy. We provide expert advice tailored to your specific challenges and goals, helping you make informed design decisions.

UI/UX design for web and mobile

Whether you’re building a new website or a mobile app, our UI/UX design services ensure a seamless and engaging experience across all platforms. We focus on user-centric design principles to enhance usability and satisfaction.

Digital product design

We specialize in crafting compelling digital products from the ground up. Our approach integrates both UI and UX design elements to create innovative solutions that are not only visually striking but also highly functional.

UI/UX redesign services

Looking to refresh your existing application? Our redesign services evaluate and enhance your UI/UX to align with current trends and user expectations, breathing new life into your digital assets.

Interaction design

We create interactive experiences that captivate and engage users. Our designs focus on making every interaction delightful and intuitive, helping to increase user engagement and satisfaction.

Prototyping and wireframing

Early in the design process, our prototyping and wireframing services help visualize the user experience, enabling early feedback and iterative improvements. This approach ensures a polished final product that truly meets user needs.

UI/UX design consulting services

If you’re not sure where to start or what you need, our consulting services can help guide your UI/UX strategy. We provide expert advice tailored to your specific challenges and goals, helping you make informed design decisions.

Ready to enhance your digital experience?

What You Can Achieve with UI/UX Design Services

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Enhanced user satisfaction

A good UI/UX design increases user satisfaction by ensuring easy navigation and interaction. Happy users are more likely to engage with a product, leading to higher retention rates.

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Increased productivity

Efficient design reduces user effort and boosts productivity. Users can accomplish tasks faster and with less frustration, enhancing the overall effectiveness of an application.


Lower development costs

Our iterative design process catches usability issues early, reducing costly revisions later on. This proactive approach saves time and resources, optimizing your investment.

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Improved accessibility

By considering diverse user needs from the start, our designs are accessible to a wider audience. This not only broadens your user base but also complies with accessibility standards.


Competitive advantage

A sleek, intuitive interface sets your product apart from competitors. In today’s market, superior UX can be a decisive factor for customers choosing between similar products.


Higher ROI

Investing in quality UI/UX design leads to higher conversion rates, increased customer loyalty, and more frequent referrals, all of which contribute to a stronger return on investment.

How We Approach UI and UX Design

1. Discover and define

Every project begins with discovery. We dive deep into your business goals, target audience, and market trends. This phase involves stakeholder interviews, user research, and defining the core functionalities of your product. It’s all about laying a solid foundation for the project.

2. Wireframing and prototyping

Next, we start sketching out the user interface with wireframes. This helps in visualizing the structural layout. Prototypes are then developed to simulate user interactions. This step is crucial as it allows us to test and refine the usability of the product early in the design process.

3. Design and iterate

With a prototype in hand, we move into the design phase. Our designers apply your brand’s visual elements, creating a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing interface. We keep you in the loop with regular updates and iterations based on your feedback and user testing results. Our goal is to ensure the design aligns perfectly with user needs and business objectives.

4. Develop and deploy

After finalizing the design, we hand it over to our development team to bring it to life. We ensure seamless integration with back-end systems and perform rigorous QA testing. Once everything looks and works perfectly, we prepare for launch.

5. Evaluate and enhance

Post-launch, we closely monitor user interactions and gather feedback to continuously improve the experience. We believe in iterative enhancements to ensure the product remains optimal and continues to meet user expectations over time.

Portfolio Highlights


Enhancing SaaS Platform

Joining the client’s dedicated team to help them improve the SaaS platform and enrich it with new user-centric features.

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blur a blurry image of a table and chairs

Software Transformation and Upgrade

Building and implementing new features and tools that make operations more efficient and help the client scale.

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Customized Magento Store

Offering technical support and software enhancement services for one of the world’s largest e-commerce companies.

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Our Featured Partnerships

What Our Clients Say

Extend your team with Forbytes’ developers to create a perfect technology solution of any complexity!

Valentin Berg CTO at GardenStore

The Forbytes team was very professional and demonstrated a great understanding of the business aspects. All tasks were completed above expectations. Their experts were always available, and we never needed to wait for a response or a suggested solution.

Valentin Berg

CTO, GardenStore

Niklas Hammar COO & Business Development at Offerta.se

Forbytes has a strong process-oriented way of leading the company, with good respect for themselves and their managers. They made a choice not to become too big but build slowly on more qualified people, which is paying off.

Niklas Hammar

COO & Business
Development at Offerta.se

Nazar Lytvynenko Group Manager in Guesty

Forbytes’ engineers and team leads worked as part of our RnD group and were directly managed by our company directors. They were both proactive and adaptable, qualities that perfectly match our needs in our fast-growing and constantly evolving environment.

Nazar Lytvynenko

Group Manager, Guesty

Thomas Andersson Ecommerce Manager & CTO Trademax

The Forbytes team has been loyal and dedicated in their partnership. The team provides management as needed but allows flexibility for direct work with developers.

Thomas Andersson

E-commerce Manager & CTO, Trademax

Julia Noack eCommerce Manager Motorsweden & Swebike

Forbytes has established strong project management. Their entire team is knowledgeable about appropriate processes and project expectations.

Julia Noack

E-commerce Manager Motorsweden & Swebike