Our Capabilities

Sports and nutrition software

Our team specializes in sports and nutrition software development. We build commercial mobile apps for a public audience as well as back-office systems for managing sports organizations and nutrition companies. If you need a bug-free and performant solution with numerous automated functions, our team can gladly help.


Gym and fitness club management

Our solutions can help you streamline the day-to-day management of sports clubs, gyms, or sports organizations. Your employees will access effective features for membership management, workflow automation, and communication with customers. We can also build an app for your customers to manage their visits, pay for the services, track their training progress, and more.


Coaching tools and apps

Forbytes can help with building an intuitive application for coaching. This will be the tool for connecting you with your clients, managing their plans and programs, delivering and distributing your content, and more. Your clients will use the app to pay for your services, track their progress, access educational data, receive personalized notifications, get in touch with you via live chat, etc.

We Add Value icon

Sports and nutrition software consulting

If you want to invest in a sports/nutrition IT startup, start with a consultation. During the consulting stage, you will figure out if your startup idea is viable. If yes, we will move to the project planning and development. If not, our business analysts will suggest proven ways to improve or adjust your idea to become a success on the market.

Our Expertise

Sports and fitness apps

Forbytes specializes in mobile app development for Android, Windows, and iOS. Fitness apps are designed for training program management, control of body fat percentage, athletic performance tracking, accessing personalized training programs and nutrition plans, keeping record of body measurements, and more.

Betting apps

Betting software applications connect to the top betting sites via API. They can include bet analytics and reporting for users to make informed betting decisions, the function of multiple bets, and secure payment integrations for quick transaction processing.

Membership management software

These are the tools your managers need if you own a fitness club, gym, or another sports organization. Membership solutions allow for real-time management of membership and customer relationships, enable business-client communication, and offer business automation functions that streamline the workflow.

Wellness apps

Such apps improve user well-being and help people manage their physical and mental health states. Mobile apps can send notifications for users to timely take pills/do workouts/go to bed, organize and structure health-related data, share useful well-being tips, provide users with data on their hydration level, sleep quality, etc.

Sports portals

Popular sports teams have dedicated fanbases. You can build a sports portal for fan engagement and add various monetization strategies to it. Powerful content management functionality will enable you to share news or events and nurture a strong fan community of a sports team.

Nutrition and diet app development

Nutrition and diet apps allow users to plan and manage their diet, improve their eating habits, track calories, and access nutrition reports. Also, nutrition analysis software can be integrated with nutrition portals where users access recipes and educational info on meal planning and diet management.

How We Add Value

Turnkey software

Forbytes offers turnkey software development services. Once a solution is built, our cooperation goes on. Our team will take you through all stages of the Agile software development lifecycle. We will provide you with the support and maintenance needed to keep the solution performant and engaging.

Staying in touch

No matter if you hire one developer or the whole team, we will stay in touch with you throughout the whole cooperation process. You will choose a preferred method to communicate, be it a popular corporate messenger or a convenient social media app. Also, our developers have good English skills, which will make communication comfortable and clear.

Relying on evidence, not luck

Earning a new client is only the start of the journey for Forbytes. The biggest and most responsible part is to turn the new acquaintance into a trustful relationship. For this, we do not let our clients invest in irrelevant or unsuccessful products. This is not the luck that we rely on; pure market evidence is what we implement in our solutions for sports and nutrition software.

Value that your client seeks

Once we get to know each other better, we can understand your client more deeply. Our goal is to deliver the right product with the right functionality to your audience. To achieve this, we ensure that the value we embed in the product aligns with the value the client expects. We put maximum effort into harmonizing business-side value with client-side value.