Our Capabilities

Management and administration software

If you deal with entertainment or game development and need a solution for in-house management, we can help. Investing in such a solution means that you will reduce the workload put on your team. They will automate key tasks, save time, and get more resources for the creative part of their job.

Entertainment & gaming startups

25% of apps downloaded from the App Store are game apps. For Android, this figure is 21%. Investing in gaming allows you to earn from ads, add paid features to the game, make premium game versions, and more. There’s no need to build complex and costly games; as a rule, the games taking top places in rating are pretty simple and, thus, engaging.

Gamified experience in business

Integrating gamified experience into your business solution can help you grow the number of clients and increase user engagement. You can apply the gamified process to various steps of the client journey, such as placing orders on your site, registering on your platform, going through onboarding, and more.

Consultancy for entertainment & gaming

If you have a product idea but doubt if it earns a user’s heart, Forbytes can organize an IT consultation to study the idea’s viability. We can conduct market research, build a landing page and help with optimization, develop an MVP and test how the audience responds to it. You will get a plan for your software project and digital growth.

Our Expertise

Streaming & broadcasting products

More than 40% of US citizens listen to podcasts on a monthly basis. Do you plan to build an application that gives real-time access to entertaining content? That’s a great idea because you can get revenue from streaming, earn from subscriptions and ads, add paid content, etc.

Game and entertaining apps

In 2021, Netflix’s revenues reached $29.7 billion. If you also plan to build an entertaining app or a mobile game, our expertise in software product development may help you with this task.

News sites and media portals

We can build a news site or media portal and integrate it with a convenient content management system. This will enable your editors and writers to manage the website easily, even if they have no technical background.

In-game solutions

Our engineers can build an in-game solution and integrate it with your main software via API or other protocols and standards. An example of such a product is an in-game store management system for Sharkmob that we’ve built recently.

Management and administration software

Game development companies need powerful back-office software to make their work smooth and efficient. Forbytes develops products allowing for intuitive management, automated reporting, and AI-driven analytics, be it a game-dependent piece of software or a separate system.

Educational and wellness apps

Such apps have a lot to do with the gaming industry. They frequently include gamified experiences at different stages of user interaction with a product. Gamified experience helps make the use of such apps comfortable, interesting, and engaging for the audience.

How We Add Value

We do it differently

We always try to add something special to the solutions we develop. From UX and UI design to functionality — the product will convey a specific entertaining atmosphere that will make a user come back.

Top-notch UX

Our task is to build a product that will become a part of the user routine. Our game developers will follow the project requirements bearing the end user in mind. A top-notch, intuitive, and entertaining experience is what your audience will get when interacting with the solution.

Trustful relationships

We agree upon the frequency of our communication and pick the accountability approach that our client prefers. Whether we have a new achievement to share or an obstacle on our way, you will always be informed. Besides, you can get in touch with us anytime you wish, getting full ownership and control over the project.

Efficient development

We understand that the more efficiency we can offer, the more likely a client is to fully trust us. Thus, we choose only cost-effective approaches to entertainment software development. If we see ways to streamline the development process or save your resources and finances, we gladly share them with you.