Data Migration Services We Offer

Each of our services is crafted to ensure that your AI data migration is seamless, secure, and strategically aligned with your business objectives.

Migration audit and assessment

Forbytes can conduct a thorough assessment of your existing data infrastructure to identify key areas for improvement and potential risks before migration begins.

Data architecture redesign

Our team can help you redesign your data architecture to be more AI-friendly, ensuring it can handle new data types and flows essential for AI-driven insights.

Automated data migration tools

Leverage advanced tools that automate the migration process, reducing manual effort and the risk of data loss during transfer.

Cloud data migration

Migrate your data to cloud environments securely, optimizing for scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, and paving the way for advanced AI capabilities.

Legacy system integrations

Our data migration experts can integrate data from legacy systems, ensuring compatibility and cohesiveness with new AI technologies and frameworks.

Post-migration support and optimization

We can provide you with ongoing support and optimization post-migration to ensure your AI systems are running efficiently and delivering maximum value from your data.

Migration audit and assessment

Forbytes can conduct a thorough assessment of your existing data infrastructure to identify key areas for improvement and potential risks before migration begins.

Data architecture redesign

Our team can help you redesign your data architecture to be more AI-friendly, ensuring it can handle new data types and flows essential for AI-driven insights.

Automated data migration tools

Leverage advanced tools that automate the migration process, reducing manual effort and the risk of data loss during transfer.

Cloud data migration

Migrate your data to cloud environments securely, optimizing for scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, and paving the way for advanced AI capabilities.

Legacy system integrations

Our data migration experts can integrate data from legacy systems, ensuring compatibility and cohesiveness with new AI technologies and frameworks.

Post-migration support and optimization

We can provide you with ongoing support and optimization post-migration to ensure your AI systems are running efficiently and delivering maximum value from your data.

Ready to ensure your data migration is smooth and secure?

What You Can Achieve with Data Migration

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System modernization

Our data migration company can help you migrate your data from the old system to the new version or to a brand-new solution to help you increase security, performance, and efficiency.

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Data sync

If the data points are disconnected, it’s hard to get a consistent view of performance. Forbytes can help you synchronize diverse data from all data points in one central system.


More value

By moving all your business data to a secure and reliable place, you get the opportunity to visualize data and generate business insights from it.

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Cloud capabilities

Cloud migration is a way to cut operation expenses, increase productivity, and automate data processes. Forbytes will be here for you to assist in this task.


More control over data

Together, we can review data-related processes. Hereafter, we will ensure role-based data access and full control over data management.


Informed decisions

With data migration services, you can fully benefit from data-driven decisions. The data stored and managed in an all-in-one system will be interpreted in the business reports and used for analytics.

How We Approach Data Migration

1. Prepare

We start with designing the migration plan. For this, we analyze the data flow in your organization. We identify the data sources, dependencies, and formats (files, blocks, objects, etc.) and come up with the requirements for the new system to fully meet your business needs.

2. Load

The next step is to make sure the data are ready for migration and load them to the new repository, system, or another effective solution. To secure your data and prevent data loss, we use only recognized data transition tools and implement an effective backup strategy.

3. Cleanse

After we fulfill the data migration service, our team moves to data tuning, structuring, and organization. We review the data, transform them if needed, remove duplicates, fix all data issues, etc. to provide you with a solid foundation for data management.

4. Store

After we migrate data and cleanse it, our data migration company tests and verifies the load. We also configure and test regular data synchronization to automate this process and prevent data errors. Besides, we can be involved in instructing end users and staff on the use of the new data management solution.

5. Expose

As a data migration company, we check if each component and each feature of the new system works well. Hereafter, we start exposing your data to BI systems for insightful analytics and integrate it with the third-party solutions you need.

6. Support

We will make sure that the IT infrastructure is up and running and that you face no issues when managing your data. Anytime, you will be able to approach our data migration team and ask for help. Together, we will address an issue and solve it in the shortest time.

Portfolio Highlights


Data Migration and Integration

Organizing and executing data migration from multiple data sources into an integrated and secure serverless warehouse.

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business intelligence dashboards

AI Analytics Solution

Integrating an AI-powered analytics solution for end-to-end data collection, data management, and insight generation

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ChatGPT Integration

Seamlessly integrating ChatGPT into the custom-built Product Data Exchange (PDE) platform to automate content generation

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Our Featured Partnerships

What Our Clients Say

Extend your team with Forbytes’ developers to create a perfect technology solution of any complexity!

Valentin Berg CTO at GardenStore

The Forbytes team was very professional and demonstrated a great understanding of the business aspects. All tasks were completed above expectations. Their experts were always available, and we never needed to wait for a response or a suggested solution.

Valentin Berg

CTO, GardenStore

Niklas Hammar COO & Business Development at

Forbytes has a strong process-oriented way of leading the company, with good respect for themselves and their managers. They made a choice not to become too big but build slowly on more qualified people, which is paying off.

Niklas Hammar

COO & Business
Development at

Nazar Lytvynenko Group Manager in Guesty

Forbytes’ engineers and team leads worked as part of our RnD group and were directly managed by our company directors. They were both proactive and adaptable, qualities that perfectly match our needs in our fast-growing and constantly evolving environment.

Nazar Lytvynenko

Group Manager, Guesty

Thomas Andersson Ecommerce Manager & CTO Trademax

The Forbytes team has been loyal and dedicated in their partnership. The team provides management as needed but allows flexibility for direct work with developers.

Thomas Andersson

E-commerce Manager & CTO, Trademax

Julia Noack eCommerce Manager Motorsweden & Swebike

Forbytes has established strong project management. Their entire team is knowledgeable about appropriate processes and project expectations.

Julia Noack

E-commerce Manager Motorsweden & Swebike