Data Migration and Integration

Organizing and executing data migration from multiple data sources into an integrated and secure serverless warehouse.


E-commerce enterprise

Service type:

Data engineering, data migration

Core technologies:

Microsoft .NET

Project Scope

Prior to the project, our client used many disintegrated data management tools, including databases, PIM systems, ERP systems, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, tracking systems, performance testing systems, Excel (Google Spreadsheets), etc. The problem with disintegrated data management was that the client could view data on each store separately, without seeing the whole picture for their 140+ stores, business systems, plus back-office tools.

The company wanted to enable consistent data collection in one place and get role-based access to different datasets. The task was complicated by the fact that each dataset was managed and controlled by a different stakeholder within the enterprise. Our goal was to bring it all together and set an effective mechanism for data storage and collection.

Firstly, our team migrated data from the main sources to BigQuery. Both historical and real-time data are now available to the client. Secondly, we securely exposed the data to powerful BI and analytics tools. Depending on the client’s purpose, the team can access different datasets, manipulate them, use them in custom reports, and drive valuable business insights.

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Projects Results


Solve the problem of fragmented data that is hard to store and manage.


Forbytes migrated data from all sources used by the client to a data warehouse where it can be securely stored, managed, used in reports, and streamed in real time.


Help the client not only store data but also get practical value from it.


We designed a role-based data management space where managers can use data for AI-powered analysis, trend forecasting, gap detection, and more.


Prevent data loss because of the changes in Google Analytics and preserve all historical data.


Our team preserved all historical data by moving it from Google Analytics to BigQuery, which is a more effective solution for working with big datasets.


Make the data management solution easy to scale.


We enabled the solution to integrate with an unlimited number of tools and systems to extract the growing volumes of data as the client’s business scales.

Technology Stack

Backend: .NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC
Frontend: ASP.NET Core MVC
Database: MSSQL
Cloud storage: Google BigQuery, Google Storage
Cloud platform: Google Cloud
Cloud orchestration: Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Virtualization: Docker
Logs/Monitoring tools: Seri log, custom logging
Continuous integration: Bitbucket
Other tools: Quartz

About the client

Bygghemma Group is a leading Nordic online retailer specializing in home improvement and garden products. The company offers a wide range of products through multiple e-commerce platforms. Bygghemma Group has expanded its presence across 25 countries, becoming a significant player in the European home improvement market.

  • Leading Nordic online retailer
  • More than 12 years on the market
  • 100+ online destinations under the BHG umbrella
  • 25 countries with the BHG presence
  • 411 million site visits in 2021
  • 39% annual CAGR last 6 years

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    Let’s Discuss Your Case


    Orest Chaykivskyy

    Chief Commercial Officer
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