Data Warehouse Services We Offer

Explore Forbytes’ range of data warehouse services, designed to enhance your data management and analytics capabilities.

Data warehouse consulting

Our expert consultants will work closely with you to understand your business needs and data landscape. We’ll assess your current data management practices and consult you on the most effective data warehouse strategy tailored to your goals.

Data warehouse engineering

Our team of DWH engineers will design and develop a robust data warehouse solution that meets your specific requirements. We leverage the latest technologies and best practices to create scalable, secure, and high-performing data platforms.

Data warehouse configuration

Forbytes will configure your data warehouse, set up user roles and access controls, define data quality checks, and configure automated data refreshes. We’ll also work with you to design dashboards and reports that provide valuable insights and optimize your operations.

Data warehouse integration

We’ll connect your data warehouse to various data sources, including CRM, ERP, automation systems, etc. This ensures your data warehouse has access to the up-to-date information, allowing you to create insightful reports and gain a holistic view of your performance.

Data warehouse migration

Our data warehouse services team can organize a seamless move of your data assets from legacy systems to advanced warehouse solutions. Our approach includes detailed planning, risk management, and thorough testing to ensure your new data warehouse works as expected.

Data warehouse support

Our comprehensive DWH support services ensure your platform stays optimized and continues to deliver value. We offer a range of support options, including performance monitoring, security patching, user management, and troubleshooting.

Data warehouse consulting

Our expert consultants will work closely with you to understand your business needs and data landscape. We’ll assess your current data management practices and consult you on the most effective data warehouse strategy tailored to your goals.

Data warehouse engineering

Our team of DWH engineers will design and develop a robust data warehouse solution that meets your specific requirements. We leverage the latest technologies and best practices to create scalable, secure, and high-performing data platforms.

Data warehouse configuration

Forbytes will configure your data warehouse, set up user roles and access controls, define data quality checks, and configure automated data refreshes. We’ll also work with you to design dashboards and reports that provide valuable insights and optimize your operations.

Data warehouse integration

We’ll connect your data warehouse to various data sources, including CRM, ERP, automation systems, etc. This ensures your data warehouse has access to the up-to-date information, allowing you to create insightful reports and gain a holistic view of your performance.

Data warehouse migration

Our data warehouse services team can organize a seamless move of your data assets from legacy systems to advanced warehouse solutions. Our approach includes detailed planning, risk management, and thorough testing to ensure your new data warehouse works as expected.

Data warehouse support

Our comprehensive DWH support services ensure your platform stays optimized and continues to deliver value. We offer a range of support options, including performance monitoring, security patching, user management, and troubleshooting.

Need a robust data strategy that scales with your growth?

What You Can Achieve with Data Warehouse as a Service

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Effective data management

Our data warehouse services centralize and organize all your data into a single, unified platform. This eliminates data silos, reduces redundancy, and ensures consistency.

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Boosted performance

Data warehouses developed by Forbytes are designed for high-speed data processing, enabling faster query responses and more efficient data handling.


Task automation

You can automate repetitive tasks with our DWH solutions, reducing error and freeing up your team to focus on higher-level activities, like data analysis and strategy development.

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Proactive asset management

By centralizing equipment data, maintenance logs, and usage patterns, you can identify potential issues before they become costly problems.


AI analytics capabilities

We can integrate AI with your data warehouse solution to help you get deeper insights into performance, forecast trends, and make decisions with greater accuracy.


Enhanced data governance

Our services can strengthen your data governance, ensuring data is managed and used in compliance with both internal policies and external regulations.

How We Approach Data Warehouse Services

1. Requirement analysis and planning

We begin by working closely with you to understand your business goals and data needs. Through in-depth analysis, we’ll identify the data sources that hold the most value and map out a strategic plan for your data warehouse.

2. Architecture development

Our experienced architects will design a scalable and secure data warehouse architecture tailored to your specific requirements. This includes defining data models, storage solutions, and security protocols to ensure your data is protected and readily accessible.

3. Preparing data

The next step involves extracting data from various sources, transforming it into a consistent format, and loading it into the data warehouse. We’ll utilize industry-standard ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes to ensure data accuracy and usability for analysis.

4. Data warehouse configuration and testing

We configure the system and conduct comprehensive testing to ensure everything functions as intended. This includes performance testing, security checks, and data validation to detect and resolve any issues. The configuration and testing phase helps avoid potential setbacks, ensuring a smooth transition to the new system.

5. Data warehouse integration

To unlock the full potential of your data, we’ll seamlessly integrate your DWH solution with existing business applications and reporting tools. This allows for streamlined data access and empowers your team to generate reports and gain insights directly from their familiar platforms.

6. Data warehouse deployment

Deployment involves the final setup of your data warehouse in your live environment. We handle all aspects of the deployment process, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily operations. Our team ensures that your data warehouse is fully operational and optimized for immediate use.

7. User access and training

We’ll configure user access controls based on roles and responsibilities. Also, to maximize the impact of your new data warehouse and ensure everyone can effectively access and utilize data, we provide detailed training and documentation to your team.

8. Ongoing support

Our commitment extends beyond deployment. We offer ongoing support to ensure your data warehouse stays optimized, meets your evolving needs, and continues to deliver value for your business. This includes performance monitoring, security updates, and assistance with ongoing data management.

Portfolio Highlights


Data Migration and Integration

Organizing and executing data migration from multiple data sources into an integrated and secure serverless warehouse.

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business intelligence dashboards

AI Analytics Solution

Integrating an AI-powered analytics solution for end-to-end data collection, data management, and insight generation.

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ChatGPT Integration

Seamlessly integrating ChatGPT into the custom-built Product Data Exchange (PDE) platform to automate content generation.

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Our Featured Partnerships

What Our Clients Say

Extend your team with Forbytes’ developers to create a perfect technology solution of any complexity!

Valentin Berg CTO at GardenStore

The Forbytes team was very professional and demonstrated a great understanding of the business aspects. All tasks were completed above expectations. Their experts were always available, and we never needed to wait for a response or a suggested solution.

Valentin Berg

CTO, GardenStore

Niklas Hammar COO & Business Development at

Forbytes has a strong process-oriented way of leading the company, with good respect for themselves and their managers. They made a choice not to become too big but build slowly on more qualified people, which is paying off.

Niklas Hammar

COO & Business
Development at

Nazar Lytvynenko Group Manager in Guesty

Forbytes’ engineers and team leads worked as part of our RnD group and were directly managed by our company directors. They were both proactive and adaptable, qualities that perfectly match our needs in our fast-growing and constantly evolving environment.

Nazar Lytvynenko

Group Manager, Guesty

Thomas Andersson Ecommerce Manager & CTO Trademax

The Forbytes team has been loyal and dedicated in their partnership. The team provides management as needed but allows flexibility for direct work with developers.

Thomas Andersson

E-commerce Manager & CTO, Trademax

Julia Noack eCommerce Manager Motorsweden & Swebike

Forbytes has established strong project management. Their entire team is knowledgeable about appropriate processes and project expectations.

Julia Noack

E-commerce Manager Motorsweden & Swebike