The situation in Ukraine after full-scale invasion by russia leaves no one indifferent. Every Ukrainian puts massive amount of effort to contribute to Ukraine’s victory, and our team is not an exclusion. Each of our team member regardless of where they are become the part of Ukrainian fight for freedom.

How our team supports Ukraine

“During the first weeks of the war, we donated almost half a million UAH to the Ukrainian Army and continue to increase our donations every week. Also, we keep supporting Ukrainians who suffered from the war and provide support to the local community which is accepting a big number of refugees.

We feel lucky for being able to keep doing our business and feel obliged to help it grow to support the Ukrainian economy. We are also proud of our teams to continue to work under these circumstances without losing productivity. “— Taras Demkovych, Chief Operating Officer.

Ways you can stand with Ukraine 


The destruction caused by russian aggression continues to cause a humanitarian crisis in Ukrainian cities. People in Ukraine are in constant need of medications and the supplies that are essential for their survival. By making the donations, you’ll literally save the lives of children and civilians who were injured during the attacks or who are in the cities blocked by the russian army and are dying from starvation and dehydration.  

Moreover, you can support financially the Ukrainian Army which is fighting fiercely and is protecting not only Ukrainian freedom but also the whole democratic civilized world. They are also in constant need of supplies and donations, which are making a difference on our way to victory. 

Volunteer or help professionally 

During wartime, every effort is essential. Regardless of whether you’re a doctor, IT professional, translator, or librarian, you can contribute to Ukrainian victory. The Russian propaganda machine is enormous and has a terrifyingly vast area of influence. Please come to help Ukrainians to win this war on the informational front and stop russian Orwellian reality.   

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Send Humanitarian Supplies 

Today, Ukraine receives humanitarian aid from countries around the world. It comes in a form of food, medication, medical and safety equipment, and thousands of other critically important things for survival. Ukrainian cities and villages are in constant need of this aid. So, if you’re willing to provide such support, your help will be very appreciated. 

Influence Authorities Directly 

Despite all the horrors of the war, we still believe in the power of international pressure on russia. Therefore, addressing your authority directly is one of the ways to influence them to take harsher actions on russia and keep ending the war in Ukraine as a priority for your government. Protests, posts on social media, emails – are all crucial for reminding your government about Ukraine and maintaining support for the Ukrainian people. 

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From East to West: Ukrainians united for resilience 

One of russia’s goals in this war was to divide Ukraine and take away our freedom. Instead, all Ukrainians are united more than ever and are fighting fiercely on every front to stay free. Our employees are no exception. From the first day of the war, they put all their efforts and free time to help people who suffered from war while fighting russian propaganda on social media and supporting financially Ukrainian Army.  

“After the war began, we knew that we would do anything to help our fellow Ukrainians. My friend and I started volunteering at the train station to help people who fled to Lviv and hosted some of them at our homes.” – shares Roksolana Cherniukh, Office Coordinator at Forbytes. “We also volunteered at the city council to deliver meals to the hospital for our defenders. We were really tired and hardly slept, but we couldn’t stop helping and volunteering until we saw that there are more than enough people on the spot and we can take a rest.”

She also shares how her work routine and responsibilities have changed: “We of course also had to take care of our employees who wanted to flee from the active war zones. My task was to help them and their families to relocate to Lviv and find them a place to stay. We have teammates who had to flee from Kharkiv and Mariupol under the bullets, and it took them almost a week to get here safely.”

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How our Lviv office works during the wartime 

Our Lviv office is currently open and welcomes the employees who had to relocate because of active war actions. For some of our employees who are currently in Lviv, coming to the office helps in coping with the new reality and finding support from their coworkers:  

“Atmosphere in the office helps me to decrease my stress level.” – says Iryna Boroshovych, Business Analyst at Forbytes. “There are always people in the office who I can talk to – some of them want to discuss the news, some want to distract themselves from the war. In any case, talking with them helps me see that life is going on and makes me feel better. Our teammates are still celebrating their birthdays in the office, and you can see people smiling and joking despite everything.

Of course, when there are sirens, we are going to the shelter, luckily, we have one really close. We understand that we have to be careful and don’t neglect the danger. On the days when there are no sirens, we go out somewhere together for lunch.

We can also feel support from our clients. When there are sirens during the calls, and we have to go to the shelters, they are patient and understand that our safety is the priority. From the first day of the war, they’ve been expressing their support and making generous donations to help Ukraine”.

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Helping from abroad 

There is no part of our team who doesn’t feel obliged to help Ukraine during these dark times. Our team members from Poland and those who relocated from Ukraine find every way possible to support Ukrainians and our Army. They organize humanitarian aid, find and manage the delivery of supplies for Ukrainian defenders, and take part in peaceful protests in the European cities. 

Denys Chernogorov, Back-end Developer at Forbytes shares his experience: “To get the walkie-talkie for our army, we had to establish the complex logistic route. I called almost all the stores in Poland that could sell them. When I finally found them, I then sent them to Dima Noga (Back-end Developer at Forbytes) in Kraków. He drove to the border to the warehouse, and then they were transported to neutral territory; from there it was transferred to another car and to Forbytes’ Lviv office.  

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When I was in Lisbon, I joined protests there. Local police didn’t let us close to the Russian embassy, and people were not very happy about this fact. It was in the first days of the war, and then we demanded that they disconnect russia from SWIFT. gif maker min 1536x1024 1

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Now in Poland, we are waiting for permission from the Polish authorities to hold demonstrations in the town of Kukuriki to block trucks leaving Germany for russia. We’ve also sent the letter to the Chancellor of Germany about this situation.”  

Apart from our teammates who are actively contributing to Ukrainian victory, there are also IT specialists abroad that are not part of our team yet but are willing to join our team after the war started. We are proud to see our fellow Ukrainians keep supporting Ukrainian business and feel obliged to help the Ukrainian economy. Also, this allows us to assure the stability of the work process and opens even more growth opportunities.