Here at Forbytes, we know it’s been a taxing year all around. While 2021 won’t be a magic restart, we do want to offer our help to companies struggling to execute effective e-commerce development. We’ll deliver enterprise e-commerce applications and business process automations for your business so you can focus on getting a strong start to the new year!

In light of our success and dedication, we’ve earned ourselves on The Manifest’s directory of top e-commerce development partners for 2020! The Manifest provides practical business advice along with shortlists of top industry partners by location. Their site also lays out company descriptions and presents how each project performed against industry standards.

In addition to The Manifest, we’ve also earned high praise this year from our clients via Clutch, a verified ratings and reviews platform. As part of their unique research methodology, Clutch conducts review calls with customers to assess impact, success, and areas for improvement. Then, that transcript is turned into a case study review for general consumption. Take a look at some of the glowing comments our clients left with the Clutch team below:

“Forbytes played a key role in our company growth. Their team has been building components to help our business grow. In the beginning, they were focused on statistics and business intelligence to create tools that would speed up processes within our company. The results are great.”

–CTO, E-Commerce Company

“Their teams consist of experienced, excellent developers, which creates a productive culture. They help their customers not just with the development, but they also take responsibility for the entire process, and not just their team but also the team their developers are involved in.”

–COO & Business Development, Services Platform

“Forbytes delivered code which was assigned to our backend developers. Because I have experience in this field, I could tell that the quality of Forbytes’ code was an improvement to our own. They structured CSS really well, making it easier for us to manage it afterwards. Our backend people found it to be uniform throughout the website’s structure.”

– Project Manager, Brainspin

We’re thrilled to receive such high praise from The Manifest and our clients on Clutch! We’re excited to help even more clients to come in 2021! Drop us a line if you’d like to talk about how we can help you with your e-commerce plans for the new year!