The world has observed the fierce battle of the Ukrainian people to protect their independence for almost a year now. We firmly stand with the values Ukrainians are fighting for and believe in a prosperous future for Ukrainian businesses. Therefore, we constantly try to find effective ways to support Ukraine and don’t stop donating.

Since the beginning of this year, we started cooperating directly with the Come Back Alive Foundation, one of the main organizations in Ukraine that serves the needs of the Ukrainian Army. Within the framework of our collaboration, we contributed to two projects that were launched to help the Ukrainian Army to approach victory.

The first project Captains Course Training Program has a goal to create the next generation of military leaders within the Territorial Defense Forces, one of the newest yet considerable branches of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Now there are 60 cadets in the course, who are trained very rapidly by instructors with combat experience, who went through additional training in Great Britain.

The second project “Long Hands for TDF” is aimed to collect funds for reconnaissance and strike mortar systems for all brigades of the Territorial Defense Forces of Ukraine, who protect Ukraine and return its territories along the entire front line.

In total, Forbytes has donated 500,000 UAH (250,000 UAH for each project). We are grateful to the Come Back Alive Foundation for the opportunity to help Ukrainian Defenders, and we are dedicated to continuing our cooperation to make an even greater contribution.

About Come Back Alive Foundation

“Come Back Alive” is a Foundation providing competent assistance to the military. Since 2014, their key goal has been to make the Defense Forces more efficient, save the lives of the military, and systematically counter the enemy. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion in February 2022, the Foundation has multiplied its military assistance and supported the defenders of Ukraine, who have changed their everyday lives and joined the line of defense.

About Forbytes

Forbytes is a Swedish-based software engineering and product development partner with offices in the EU and US, as well as powerful software development centers in Central and Eastern Europe. For years, our team has led businesses through digital transformation and helped them scale up. Satisfied clients are our biggest pride and the best confirmation of our high-quality work.