Our First Response
With the beginning of full-scale invasion, our company transferred UAH 250,000 for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and, in coordination with the IT cluster, for the needs of our Lviv 80th Airmobile Brigade.
Additionally, we made our contribution of UAH 200,000 to pay for bulletproof vests, helmets, walkie-talkies, NB devices that were handed over to the Territorial Defense of Kyiv.
We also took care of the Maternity Hospital №1 in Lviv. We tried to make the stay in the shelter as comfortable as possible for expectant mothers and little Ukrainians born at such a difficult time. Also, we informed and asked many of our colleagues from Sweden and other countries to commit to helping and supporting our Army financially
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Employees safety
and assistance
After the full-scale invasion, our company’s responsibility was to ensure the safety of our employees and our continuous operation. We have created beforehand an emergency plan to be prepared for this scenario.
Due to russia’s full-scale war in Ukraine, we were dedicated to provide our full assistance with the relocation of our employees, who were stuck in occupied territories or were close to the active war zone.
They received our full and thorough help and were successfully moved to safer homes in Ukraine or abroad. Some of them had to flee from Kharkiv and Mariupol literally under the bullets.

Supporting our
Ukrainian Team
As one of our offices is located in Lviv, Ukaine, we make sure that our Ukrainian team can uninterruptedly work in safe conditions. Our office is completely energy autonomous — electricity and heating are provided by generators and access to the Internet are secured by several local providers, as well as a couple of Starlinks.
Additionally, the company’s upper management, together with the local IT cluster, is in constant contact with loc
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Cooperation with Come
Back Alive Foundation
and Donations
Since the beginning of this year, we started cooperating directly with the Come Back Alive Foundation, one of the main organizations in Ukraine that serves the needs of the Ukrainian Army. We contributed to two projects: Captains Course Training Program and “Long Hands for TDF”.
Within the framework of this collaboration, Forbytes has donated 500,000 UAH (250,000 UAH for each project).
Additionally, at the end of the year, the company usually allocated funds for Christmas events and gifts. This year, we decided to direct these funds, to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine and volunteer organizations.
Discover more
to the Victory
We continue standing with Ukraine during these truly challenging times, growing our donations and providing adequate response to the any new challenges caused by the war.
Our employees’ safety and comfort are our number one priority. We are once again inspired by our Ukrainian employees’ courage, resilience, and ability to work and show amazing results during these difficult circumstances.
Together as a team, we are committed to put maximum effort to contributing to the Ukrainian victory.

How you can help
Hiring Ukrainians is one of the numerous ways you can support Ukraine. Ukrainians are educated, highly-qualified and proved their resilience and ability to bring amazing results under any circumstances. Our Ukrainian teams is Regular donations are vital for supporting Ukrainians, both in crisis relief and advancing towards victory. There are numerous funds and volunteer organizations you can donate to – here are some of the main ones: