Main Logo
The main version of the logo is in color, but it also may be used in black and white. Please use the monochrome version exclusively on color, gradient backgrounds, or with a limited print mode.
Use of the Logo
The logo is designed for use in four color versions: on a dark green background, on a light green background, on a white background, and also on a corporate gradient. It is worth noting that all versions are equivalent, and the priority of their use is set by the format and printing capabilities.
Examples of using the logo in company colors

Black and White Version

Unacceptable Use of the Logo

Style Guide
We love our company and respect the work of our colleagues. Thus, we are sensitive about style and logo usage. The following guide explains the basics of our logo style and will help you to use it properly.
DownloadUse of the Brand Assets
Forbytes brand assets are the exclusive property of Forbytes. The use of any brand assets implies acceptance and agreement with the terms of the policy. In other cases, you do not have the right to use them.
Any use of Forbytes brand assets not in compliance with this policy is not authorized. If you violate the rules in this policy, you must cease all use of any Forbytes brand assets, regardless of the uses otherwise allowed in this policy. In addition, Forbytes reserves the right to revoke its approval of your use of the brand assets at any time.
How to properly dispose of damaged branded products
If a product contains the company’s logo and can’t be recycled, when disposing of such a product, it is necessary to cut the company logo in the middle, after which the product can be thrown into the trash.
All plastic items must either be handed over to the company (and we will send them for recycling), or sent for recycling yourself. This applies to water containers, plastic handles, and other products made of plastic. On all environmentally friendly materials, the logo can simply be cut, erased with abrasive materials, or sent to the company office for further disposal.