image of modern equipment gym indoors interior fitness hall with fitness bicycles

Product Data Consolidator

Developing a custom solution for product data aggregation across multiple stores.


Group of sports equipment companies

Service type:

Software engineering

Core technologies:


Project Scope

Being a prominent player in the sports equipment industry, the client approached Forbytes with a complex challenge. The group owns numerous stores, each operating on a distinct management system and using different formats for product data management. This fragmentation made it impossible for the stores to share their product assortments with each other, hindering cross-store sales and operational efficiency.

The project’s main goal was to consolidate the assortment of all stores, allowing any store within the group to access and sell products from other stores. Forbytes was tasked with the design and implementation of a solution that could overcome the technical barriers and unify the various systems.

Our team developed a Product Data Consolidator, which is a custom solution that allows the client’s stores to share their assortment data, irrespective of the formats or system requirements used by each store.

Earlier, if one store wanted to add the assortment from another store to their database, they would typically face issues due to different file formats and management systems. The solution solves this challenge by importing product data from all stores into a unified database, where it is processed and adapted into a single, consistent format. This unified format is then exported and can be easily imported by any store within the group, enabling them to expand their product offerings without the need for manual data adjustments.

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Projects Results


Streamline product sharing among the stores of the group.


Instead of manually converting data from multiple formats, any of the client’s stores can receive a single, consistent file ready for import, reducing the time and effort required for assortment updates.


Automate the process of data consolidation and transformation.


The Product Data Consolidator is designed to analyze the content and structure of product data files, transform the data as needed, and ensure compatibility with the target store’s requirements.


Improve the efficiency of product assortment updates.


The solution enables stores to perform a single product import instead of multiple manual imports, streamlining their operations and allowing them to focus on sales rather than data management.


Increase cross-store sale opportunities.


Forbytes developed a unified format and a custom solution that allowed all stores within the group to share product data seamlessly, leading to increased sales opportunities and operational efficiency.

Technology Stack

Backend: PHP, Laravel, GoLang
Database: MongoDB, MariaDB
Server/Infrastructure: AWS (Amazon Web Services)

About the client

Our client is a leading sports equipment retailer, owning multiple stores that sell a wide range of sports products. The group provides high-quality sports gear and has a strong presence in the industry, constantly looking for ways to innovate and improve their business operations.

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    Let’s Discuss Your Case


    Orest Chaykivskyy

    Chief Commercial Officer
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